Saturday, January 12, 2008

Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate)

A fatwa given recently by Shaikh bin Baz on 26/06/98 in Riyadh when questioned as to whether the drug Viagra(Sildenafil Citrate)which is currently being used for treating erectile dysfunction was permissible to use.

The Shaikh said "Using the drug that helps sexual intrecourse is permitted and there is no legal Islamic prohibition provided it did not contain ingredients that may harm health or an intoxicant material"quoted from Okaz newspaper

Currently the drug is not prescribable on the NHS but may be later this year (Allah knows best). The only contra-indication for its use at present is the concurrent use of oral nitrate preparations for the treatment of angina since it is a potent vasodilator. Viagra was originally being researched as a treatment for angina.

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